Bennett, Joseph

In the foreground is a person driving a horse and buggy, in the background is Otahuao homestead.

Otahuao Homestead, glimpsed from the Masterton-Castlepoint Road, at the start of Bennetts Hill, Masterton.  89-42/12 

Obituary - Joseph Bennett

On Saturday last Mr Joseph Bennett, of Otahuao, a settler of some forty years standing, breathed his last, and a familiar face passes from amongst us, which will be missed with keen regret by one and all. 

The leading characteristics of the late Mr Bennett were a kindly disposition, unswerving integrity, and an unassuming demeanour. We have known him personally for the past twenty years and never heard anyone say an ill-word of him. Few men were better known than he was in the community, or stood higher in the estimation of the public. 

For several years past he has been a great sufferer, and for months past he has been dying from an incurable disease of the throat. He came in and out of Masterton almost daily, as long as his strength held out, and when that failed, he waited for the end calmly and courageously. 

The late Mr Bennett was a native of Kent, England, and was about 62 years of age.

Wairarapa Daily Times, 13 May 1895 - page 2

Otahuao homestead in 1900.  At the left is the water tank and a glasshouse is beside it.