St Andrew's foundation stone laid on 25 October 1903

Laying foundation stone, St Andrew's, Whareama, 24 October 1903.

Laying the foundation stone for St Andrew's, Whareama, 24 October 1903.
The two clergy on the left of the foundation stone are the Rev. John  Chapman Andrew (1822-1907) and the Rev. John Sykes (1863-1943)
The photo has been colourised. Original  05-39/113-24


Laying the Foundation Stone

The foundation stone of St. Andrew's Church, Blairlogie, at the junction of the Langdale and East Coast-roads, was laid, on Saturday last [24 October 1903], by the Rev. J. C. Andrew, M.A., assisted by the Rev. J. H. Sykes, Vicar of the Parish.

The day was brilliantly fine, consequently a very large number of settlers availed themselves of the opportunity of being present at this interesting ceremony.

Friends were present from Taueru [Tauweru], Bramerton, Tinui, Blairlogie Junction, Langdale, Ica, Blairlogie, Seven Oaks, Kohiwai, Beaumaris, Orue, Waikaraka, Aiparima, Homewood, Kummerstein, Fern Glen, etc.

The service commenced with the reading of the 132nd Psalm, 

Lord, remember David : and all his trouble;
How he sware unto the Lord : and vowed a vow unto the Almighty God of Jacob;
I will not come  within the tabernacle of mine house : nor climb up into my bed;
I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep nor mine eyelids to slumber : neither the temples of my head to take any rest.;
Until I found out a place for the temple of the Lord : an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.
Lo, we heard of the same at Ephrata : and found it in the wood.
We will go into his tabernacle : and fall low on our knees before his footstool.

followed by a number of short prayers, hymn 394 A. and M. (Hymns Ancient and Modern)

O Lord of hosts, Whose glory fills
The bounds of the eternal hills,
And yet vouchsafes, in Christian lands,
To dwell in temples made with hands.

Grant that all we, who here to-day
Rejoicing this foundation lay,
May be in very deed Thine own,
Built on the precious Corner stone...

Both now and ever, Lord, protect
The temple of Thine own elect;
Be Thou in them, and they in Thee,
O Ever-blessed Trinity.

and the repeating of the Apostles' Creed. The stone was then fixed in its place, with these words, 

"In the faith of Jesus Christ, we place this foundation in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.--Amen."

Then Mr Andrew, laying his hand upon the stone, said, 

"Here let time, faith and the fear of God with brotherly love ever abide;
and be this place dedicated unto prayer
and the praise of the most holy name of the Saviour our Lord Jesus Christ,
who with the Father and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth,
one God, world without end. Amen."

After the singing of Hymn 215, "The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord," short addresses were delivered by the Rev. J.H. Sykes and the Rev. J.C. Andrew. Mr Sykes spoke of the great pleasure it gave them all to have their old friend and neighbour, Mr Andrew, taking the main part of the service that day; and Mr Andrew in an earnest address trusted that the Church, when completed, would be well used and greatly appreciated, that it would be a great blessing to those who would worship within its walls, and then dwelt on the privilege and blessing of daily prayer.

The collection, which was for the Building Fund, amounted to £12. Tea was provided by the ladies of the district at 1s each; and Miss Taylor, Miss Chapman, and Miss Cowie were very busy selling button-holes. The proceeds of tea and the sale of flowers amounted to £10 7s, the total amount taken during the afternoon being £22.10s 2d.

The stone, which is a solid block of white marble, was supplied by Mr T. Hoar, monumental sculptor, of Masterton; and bore the following inscription:--

"This stone was laid by the Rev. J.C. Andrew, M.A., on the 24th day of October, 1903. 'Laus Deo.'"

The committee presented Mr Andrew with a beautiful mallet, bearing the following inscription:--"Presented to the Rev. J. C. Andrew, M.A., on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of St. Andrew's Church, Blairlogie, 24th October 1903."

The Church, which is to consist of nave, apse, porch, vestry, and bell cote, is being built by Mr C.E. Daniell, of Masterton, The roof is to be covered with French tiles supplied by Messrs Briscoe, McNeil and Co., Wellington. The Church is to accommodate one hundred people, and will be completed about the end of January.

Wairarapa Daily times, 29 October 1903, page 2.