Vestry meeting held after Annual Meeting
11 May 1922
Minutes of Vestry Meeting, held at the Langdale Hall, on 11th May 1922, subsequent to the annual meeting.
The Vicar & Messrs W.G. Groves, H. Bennett, T. Cripps, H. G. Groves, A. T. Hancock, G. Moore, & D. H. Speedy & the Secretary Mr A. Schofield.
The minutes of the meeting held in September 1921 were read and confirmed.
Mr G. Moore, Mr T. Cripps & Mr. D. H. Speedy volunteered to take round a petition re telephone as in minutes of Parish Meeting.
Rubber Stamp
The Secretary was given leave to have a rubber stamp made for the Banking Account. The title being "The Tinui Church of England Vestry Account."
Various matters in regard to finance came up for general discussion. It was finally moved by Mr A.T. Hancock & seconded by Mr H. G. Groves:
that the Vicar the Wardens Mr D. H. Speedy & the Secretary draw up a statement of accounts & have it printed and circularised as suggested at the annual meeting. (Carried.)
S. Andrew’s Church
The vicar explained what had been done to the grounds by means of the interest on the Riddiford bequest. A tender of ₤31-2-0 for painting the Church was presented by Mr J H Atkinson. Moved by Mr Ryder seconded by Mr A J Speedy that the tender be accepted. Carried.
Church of the Good Shepherd
Mr H. G. Groves moved and Mr S Holdsworth secd. That the matter of roof alterations to the Church of the Good Shepherd as in minutes of previous meeting be now held over. Carried.
Parish Finances
The interim balance for the six months ending 30 Sept 1921 showed a credit balance of ₤6 in the current account. The Secretary explained that the promised donations were ₤235 and the amount of last years’ offertories ₤73, leaving only ₤3 for expenses above amount required for stipend. Expenses so far had been met by the credit balance that accumulated during the Vicar’s absence at the war.
A letter from Mr L. Meredith was read saying he would have to reduce his subscription from ₤5 to ₤1 ?. Moved Mr H G Groves, Secd Mr Ryder that Mr Cripps & Mr Morrison interview Mr Meredith in regard to arrears. (Carried.)
Two other announcements of a reduction were received, but arrears were paid up in full. Several names were assigned for further canvas by members of the vestry.
The Vicar explained at the Andrews Legacy was yielding ₤260 per annum and had been given for an addition to the stipend; that as announced in the parish letter, he intended to divide it firstly to parish expenses, secondly to work of the Church outside the parish. Further, that there were already heavy travelling expenses for which he would reimburse himself.
Balance remains? C S Andrews
Moved by Mr Hancock, Secd Mr Ryder that Mr Cripps place the credit of ₤14 in the P.O. Savings Bank until such time as it be required for repair work at St. Andrews. Carried.
Roof of Church of Good Shepherd
Moved Mr Hancock, Secd Mr A Speedy, that the Vicarage Building Committee consider the question of putting shingles on the roof of the Church of the Good Shepherd instead of tiles, as as done at St Andrews. Carried.
The meeting then closed.
Confirmed 21.9. 21
B D Ashcroft