Annual Meeting
25 April 1917
Annual Meeting of Parishioners held in the Vicarage on 25/4/[19]17
Mr R. E. Maunsell (Chair), H. A. Nevins, Sutton, Jennings & Hancock.
Minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed.
Revd. Archdeacon Fancourt wrote suggesting that some remuneration be given to Rev. Walker & his Curate for conducting services in Tinui & St. Andrews.
Propd. Mr. Jennings secd. Mr Nevins that the sum of 40/- be paid to the Vicar of Masterton or his Curate for each Sunday either of them conduct Service in the District, the first call for this money to come from the Offertory Fund, the Treasurer is authorised to pay amount due to date (₤10-0-0) & succeeding amounts quarterly (carried)
Propd Mr Nevins secd. Mr Sutton that the Balance Sheet of church funds as laid on the table be approved and that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to Mr Jennings for his work. (carried)
Propd Hancock secd Mr Nevins that the best wishes of this meeting be sent to Revd. Ashcroft and hopes of a safe return to us, also that a copy of the Minutes of Meeting be sent to him. (Carried).
Propd Mr. Nevins secd. Mr Sutton that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to Mrs Langdon (Organist) Mrs Perry (Sunday School teacher) and the Church cleaners for their valued services during the year the Church cleaners to be told that the Revd W. Fancourt had stated he had never seen a cleaner kept church. (Carried)
The Bishop of Wellington wrote stating he had appointed Mr R.E. Maunsell as Vicar's Warden for the ensuing year.
The People's Warden announced that Mr H. A. Nevins had been nominated as Synodsman for the ensuing term and was duly elected to the office.
Propd. Hancock secd. Mr Maunsell that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to Mr Nevins for past services as Synodsman. (Carried)
A.T. Hancock was duly elected People's Warden on the motion of Mr Maunsell secd. by Mr Jennings.
Propd. A.T. Hancock secd. Mr Nevins that Messrs D. & A Speedy, Sutton, Jennings, H. Bennett, T. Dillon, G. Groves, Bartholomew, French & A.A. Cameron be elected Vestrymen. (Carried.)
Propd. Mr Maunsell secd. Mr Sutton that Mr D.H. Speedy be elected Treas. & Mr Jennings assistant Treasr. (carried)
Propd. Mr Maunsell secd. Mr Sutton that Mr E. H. Schofield be appointed Auditor. (Carried.)
Propd. Mr Maunsell secd. Mr Nevins that the sum of Five Pounds be voted to Mr Jennings for his valuable work as assistant Treas. (carried).
Read & confirmed
R. E Maunsell
Vicar's Warden
May 22nd 1918