Vestry Meeting

12 January 1913

Minutes of Vestry Meeting held in the Vicarage 21st Jan[uar]y 1913

Present Revd Hands, Messrs Brading, Nevins, D.H. Speedy & Hancock.

Minutes of last meeting were confirmed as read.

The Revd. Archdeacon attended and asked various questions re Church a/c's

Messrs A.J. Speedy & G. Groves sent apologies for absence.

Propd. A.J. Hancock secd Mr Speedy 

that a ₤500-0-0 Accident Policy be taken out by the Vestry in favour of the Vicar. (Carried.)

Propd. Mr Nevins secd. Mr Brading

that Warden write to Chairman Castle pt. County asking him to exempt the Vicarage property from rates.  (Carried.)

Propd. Mr Nevins secd. Mr Brading

that Messrs D.H. Speedy & Hancock enquires from Mr. Daniell his price for repairs to Belfrey & repairs necessary to Vicarage & the work to be done if price is considered reasonable by the enquirers. (Carried.)

It was agreed that Mr Daniells should paint the Church & Vicarage & that the colours be chosen by Mr Hands.

Propd. by Hancock secd. by Mr D.H. Speedy

that Xmas days offertories be given to Boys & girls Anglican Homes.  (Carried.)

It was resolved that Candy's a/c of ₤2-2-0 for tuning the church organ paid by Mr Hands be refunded to him.

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