Vestry Minutes

8 January 1903

Minutes of Vestry Meeting held in the Church on 8th Janry. 1903


Revd. Sykes (Chairman), Messrs Brading, Nevins, Speedy D., Langdon R, Perry, Hancock and F. Groves.

Minutes of last meeting were confirmed on motion of Mr Nevins Sed. Mr Perry.

Correspondence read from Mr Daniell offering to supply fence materials for ₤2-15-0.

Mr Nevins stated that the total receipts to date from Church Fete was ₤87-8-11.

Propd. Mr Nevins Secd. A T Hancock that a portion of the Church Fete balance be advanced to the Assestment fund [1] and that Mr. Nevins confer with Mr. Speedy and advance him the required amount.  (Carried)

Propd. Mr Perry Secd. Mr Nevins that Mr McHutcheon be asked to audit the Church Building Fund a/c and Balance Sheet.  (Carried)

Propd. Mr. Sykes Secd Mr Groves that 150 copies of Balance Sheet printed and a copy of same be sent to each Subscription (Carried)

Propd. Mr Speedy Secd. A. T. Hancock that an a/c of 20/- for Lamps at Whareama Schoolroom be paid by the Vestry (Carried)

Propd. A. T Hancock Secd. Mr Brading that Mr Sykes be authorised to procure suitable Lamps for the Church, also baize for the Organ.  (Carried)

Read & confirmed
J. H. Sykes

[1] ‘Assestment fund,’ which appears several times in minutes from this period, means the annual assessment made by the Wellington Diocese, based on the parish’s income the previous year, and on which the parish’s contribution to the running of the Wellington Diocese would be based, including payment of clergy salaries. It was a sore point for many vestries, especially Tinui, which couldn’t see why they needed to contribute to a remote organisation.  Tinui Parish was frequently in trouble with the Bishop and diocese for digging their heels in over payment of this levy.

